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Building the base machine image

Updating the Windows 2016 License information

  1. Launch your text editor and open the qlik-base-os repository folder. packer-repo
  2. Open the Autounattend.xml file located in /answer_files/2016
  3. It is recommended that you enter a valid Windows 2016 Server Standard edition license key (however it is possible to use an Evaluation version of Windows. If an evaluation version is to be used skip this step.
  4. Search for ProductKey packer-windows-key
  5. Uncomment the key field and change the X's to be your license key
  6. Save the file

Get the MD5 checksum value from the Windows 2016 ISO file

You will need to download a tool for this, use something like MD5SUM or if using Windows the MD5 Checksum Tool

  1. Launch your terminal
  2. Use whatever MD5 checksum tool you have chosen to get the checksum packer-checksum
  3. Copy the checksum value into your clipboard

Update the checksum value and the name of your Windows iso file

  1. From your text editor open the file /qlik-base-os/win2k16.json
  2. Scroll to the bottom and find the variables section packer-variables
  3. Update the iso file name in iso_url
  4. Update the iso checksum in iso_checksum
  5. Save the file

Start the build

  1. Launch your terminal
  2. Browse to /qlik-base-os
  3. Enter packer build win2k16.json
  4. Wait
  5. To view the process open VirtualBox and launch the VM, you will see it progress through the various steps
  6. A file will be output at the end which is the Box file to be used in Vagrant