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scenario.json file

This file contains information on the scenario. And is used during the creation of the virtual machine.


Description of scenario.json fields

  1. name: The name of the scenario
  2. description: Text to describe what the scenario contains
  3. category: Category of scenario
  4. plugin-dependencies: Description of the Vagrant plug-ins that are required to run the scenario
  5. notes: Any information you wish to advise the user on
  6. version: Version of the scenario
  7. author: Name of the Author
  8. email: Email address
  9. disabled: Currently not used
  10. qlik-default-binary: The Qlik software to use by default
  11. resoures: URLS to present at the end of provisioning to enable users to connect
  12. config
    1. allowUpdates: Currently not used
    2. Servers
      1. name: The name that will be the hostname of the server
      2. ip: the IP address to assign the server
      3. box: the name of the Vagrant box to use
      4. memory: Amount of RAM to allocate
      5. cpus: The number of cores to allocate
      6. sense
        1. central: if the server is a central node
        2. proxy: Currently not used
        3. persistence: Shared or Sync